Our lights don’t simply turn on and off. They come alive.
We always like to keep up with the latest outdoor lighting trends, and the one we're most excited about is the rise in popularity of LED glow balls. Using a combination of advanced LED technology and sturdy construction, we now offer an entire line of these cordless, outdoor eco-lighting lamps to...
One of the coolest new trends in modern outdoor lighting is permanent decorative tree wraps. It’s not just for Christmas anymore!
Garden Lighting Adds Beauty and Functionality With only a few days left until spring, we know you’ve been busy dreaming up ideas for planning your garden. There are so many things to consider – when to plant what, making sure this plant will grow well next to that plant -- but have you considered...
If you’re like most of our clients, you’ve put a lot of time and effort into the exterior look of your home. But have you considered how that look changes at night? Here are some ways to boost your home’s curb appeal with a properly designed lighting system to ensure your home looks at its best no...